Monday, November 5, 2018

This changed the way I dressed! and more...

If you've been following my blog for a long time, you know that for years I said, "I'm not a fashionista!" I felt so inept when it came to putting together cute outfits and I felt like anytime anyone complimented me on my outfit, I needed to ...

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This changed the way I dressed!

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

If you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you know that for years I said, “I’m not a fashionista!”

I felt so inept when it came to putting together cute outfits and I felt like anytime anyone complimented me on my outfit, I needed to apologize for someone or deflect the compliment by saying something like, “Oh this shirt?? I just pulled it out at the last minute and I don’t really like it.” Or, “Thanks, but I don’t really know this dress is my style.”

I said these things because I felt so insecure about my ability to put outfits together and I constantly second-guessed myself. When I realized how much I was doing this and how much I wished I could figure out how to put cute outfits together, I finally decided to do something about it.

  1. I started paying attention to what I liked. I began noticing outfits that other people wore that I liked and started a mental checklist of what my tastes were. I also poked around on Pinterest and Instagram and paid attention to simple and frugal outfits that other people posted that I liked.
  2. I gave myself permission to try new things. I let myself actually buy some new styles and colors — to try out and see what I thought.
  3. I learned about what outfit formulas were. I joined a program that taught me about outfit formulas and how to put together outfits — and then it gave you a few weeks of outfit formulas to follow and experiment with.
  4. I kept experimenting and paying attention. I surprised myself so much by loving the outfit formula program and being challenged to follow the formulas. I even got brave and posted pictures of my outfits for almost an entire month on social media and learned so much from seeing the photo of myself and hearing feedback from you all. It helped me to define what I like, it helped me to realize a lot of things I was doing wrong, and to figure out what was working and what wasn’t working.

Now, over a year since I did that outfit formula program, I dress very differently and I find so much joy in putting together outfits. And I know what works for me and what doesn’t. I never thought this would be possible, but it’s true!

Would YOU Like to Feel More Confident Putting Outfits Together?

If you struggle with putting outfits together, I’m so excited to let you know that the program that I went through has this amazing resource available called The Big Book of Outfit Formulas.

This book will give you the same hands-on help I got to figure out how to put together outfits AND you’ll get over 300 Mix and Match Outfit Ideas! You all, this downloadable resource is G-O-L-D!

This downloadable book includes details on how to figure out what you should have in your wardrobe, how to put outfits together, and it has photos of 300 different outfits for every single season + holiday and work wear outfits.

If you want to figure out how to look cute without a lot of effort, this book is for you! You'll have almost a full year of different outfit ideas to choose from — and it will show you how to do this with minimal pieces for each season!

The Big Book of Outfit Formulas is usually $49, but you can get it for just $29.97 until tomorrow evening (Tuesday, November 6, 2018) as part of The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale.

Yes, Don’t Miss The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale!

Remember when I posted about The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle earlier this year? It was a collection of 129 different products worth over $3000 individually — but was bundled together for just $29.97 for a few days.

If you missed it when I posted before, I’m thrilled to let you know that it’s back again as a last-chance Flash Sale until midnight on Tuesday! You’ll get access to:

There are resources on getting more organized, time management, freezer cooking, budgeting, making money from home, parenting, chore charts for kids, printable planning sheets, fitness, weight loss, menu-planning, and much more!

(And if you already purchased it, what are you waiting for? Go log into your account and download The Big Book of Outfit Formulas + so many other fantastic resources!)

Look What Else You Get in The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle!

When you purchase The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, not only do you getThe Big Book of Outfit Formulas mentioned above, but you also get access to the Full Year Wardrobe Plan for Moms. I don’t like the styles of these outfits as much, but it’s pretty amazing how they show you how to get 239 different looks from 62 different pieces.

Plus, you’ll get access to an online course called Outfit Mastery. I haven’t gone through it yet, so I can’t speak to it and I honestly didn’t think that the photos on the sales page were that appealing or my style. But if you need extra help, you’ll also get this course (which says it’s a step-by-step video e-course that will help you conquer your wardrobe, define your own style and never agonize over “what to wear” again) when you purchase The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle.

So what are you waiting for?

Through Tuesday at midnight only, you have one last chance to get The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle — including the three fashion resources list above — for just $29.97! In addition to fashion, this huge library of resources has something for pretty much everyone! It covers home management, decluttering, mothering, DIY-ing, your marriage, organizing, budgeting, making money from home, plus much more!

Remember, this offer ends Tuesday at midnight and this is your final opportunity to get the bundle.

Ready to purchase? Just click below…


Want to learn more? Read more about this amazing bundle here. 

P.S. Remember, this offer ends Tuesday (November 6, 2018) at midnight! Get it while you can!


Looking for a job as a social media manager?

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

This week, we’re going to be talking about some ways to make more money online this holiday season. One of those ways is by working as a social media manager for other blogs or online businesses.

It’s just a given nowadays that businesses should have an online presence. However, so many small business owners are completely swamped with just trying to run their business and having to try to keep up with a Facebook Page and an Instagram or Pinterest account can feel overwhelming.

That’s where a social media manager can come in and not only take a huge load off their shoulders, but also help them build their business and increase their income through a strong social media presence.

What Does a Social Media Manager Do?

A social media manager is someone who oversees all (or some!) of a business or blogger’s social media accounts. This could include:

  • Posting regularly — Sharing about the business, sharing related articles and links, fostering engagement and community, posting inspirational quotes or funny memes, and/or encouraging interaction through comments.
  • Monitoring comments and messages — Regularly checking on comments and messages left and responding to them graciously and promptly.
  • Designing graphics — Possibly using Canva, PicMonkey, or an app to create graphics for social media (some businesses have a graphic designer they use for this).
  • Taking photos or videos — If you are a social media manager for a local business, part of your job, might be attending events that the business is at or is hosting and taking photos and videos to use on social media.
  • Researching ways to increase engagement — Watching trends and reading articles and listening to podcasts to learn what is working and not working for other companies and getting ideas of ways to experiment and improve.
  • Editing videos to post —  Possibly editing videos to include on the business’ social media platforms.

What Skills Do You Need?

If you love social media, are generally pretty organized, enjoy interacting and helping people via social media comments, are thorough and professional, can pay close attention to detail, and work well independently, then you are a great candidate for being a social media manager.

Most social media managers I know don’t have any special degrees, they’ve just been willing to put in the time and effort to learn and become proficient.

How Much Can You Make?

Honestly, the sky is pretty much the limit if you are working virtually as a social media manager. And best of all, you can usually charge a monthly rate for your services for companies, instead of an hourly rate.

This means, that as you learn tricks for streamlining and becoming really efficient and fast, you could fairly easily work up to making an average of $20-$25 per hour — and I know many social media managers who are making quite a bit more than this as they’ve honed their skills!

You can also usually work for multiple companies, since most social media manager positions would require no more than 2-4 hours per week per company.

So let’s say that you work for 5 different companies and work 2-4 hours per week for each company and you charge $300 per month per company. That means you would be working 10-20 hours per week and making $1500 per month.

That’s a pretty fantastic part-time income — and you get to work from home, you get to set your own hours, and you can work from anywhere!

How Do You Get Started?

If you are interested in becoming a Social Media Manager, I’ve got a fantastic resource for you to help you get started! I was so excited about this course when I discovered it and spent hours this weekend going through it to make sure I felt comfortable promoting it to you all.

And yes, this course lived up to my expectations — and then some!

It’s called Social Side Hustle and it walks you through everything you need to know to start your own Social Media Manager business.

In Social Side Hustle, you’ll learn:

  • Why there is such a need for social media managers and how you likely have the skills (or can learn the skills) to start this business
  • What kinds of services you can offer as a Social Media Manager — and what a client is typically going to expect you to do.
  • How to structure your pricing and not overcharge or undercharge
  • Creative and proven techniques for landing longterm clients — and how to prevent issues and stress in business relationships
  • Fantastic time-saving tips for being more efficient and effective in posting to social media so you can make your clients happy and earn more per hour
  • How to keep track of your responsibilities and stay organized as a business owner
  • And so much more (and yes, I know that lists like this usually say that, but there was just so much in this course that I couldn’t list it all off here!)

This course will give you everything you need to know to get your business up and running — and turning a profit! — very quickly! All you need are a computer and a willingness to learn!

I’ve Got Some Amazing News For You!

Social Side Hustle is usually $197 but it’s included as one of the 129 resources bundled together in The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale. Which means that until tomorrow evening at midnight, you can get this course + 128 other cool resources for just $29.97!!!

Even if you don’t touch any of the other resources in The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, if you go through Social Side Hustle and work for one client for a few hours, you will easily make that $29.97 back. And I hope you make thousands more than that off of it — and I think you will if you just follow the steps outlined in the course!

So what are you waiting for?

Through Tuesday at midnight only, you can get Social Side Hustle as part of The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale for just $29.97! In addition to this course, you’ll get a huge library of resources on topics like home management, decluttering, mothering, DIY-ing, your marriage, organizing, budgeting, making money from home, plus much more!

Remember, this offer ends Tuesday at midnight and this is your final opportunity to get the bundle.

Ready to purchase? Just click below…


Want to learn more? Read more about this amazing bundle here. 

P.S. Remember, this offer ends Tuesday (November 6, 2018) at midnight! Get it while you can!