So, I promised you all I’d post about A Day in My Life on Monday evening… and well, it’s Wednesday morning and I’m just now getting around to getting the post done. Such is life some weeks, right?
The last few days have been very full. Full of wonderful times as a family. Full of wonderful times with friends. And full of many other responsibilities that have been more important than blogging.
But I finally have a quiet morning to write and finish this post!
Monday morning started bright and early. We’d had a busy Easter weekend and I woke up early to try to get caught back up on things. It didn’t really end up happening, but it was a nice idea.
After my Bible reading and blogging time, the kids got up and ate breakfast and then got started on their Daily Lists. I loved how Kaitlynn creatively decorated her list with sticker paper. That girl is all about beautifying every part of life and she inspires me!
The kitchen wasn’t in complete disarray, because Jesse had stayed up the night before cleaning it up for me. He knows that a clean kitchen is one big way to show me love, so multiple times per week, he offers to clean it up for me.
Silas was working on the letter “S” today. This curriculum is very basic and a lot of review for him right now, but it’s been good to reinforce all the letter sounds and how to correctly write each letter.
After cleaning up the kitchen and helping Silas with his school, I set to work cleaning up the rest of the house. I laughed as I realized how much Easter had spilled into our house! (It actually sparked some deep thoughts for me — which you can read here.)
After the kids did their chores and got started on their independent work, I worked on picking up the rest of the house and on the laundry. I had hoped to get all of the massive pile of laundry done, but I only made a dent in it before my time was up and it was time to have Morning Time with the kids.
After Morning Time, the kids asked if the could play with playdough and do the Word Searches that Miss Tam had given them in their Easter baskets.
They all sat at the kitchen table and helped each other on the Word Searches for quite a long time.
I especially loved watching the girls help Silas find the words in the Word Searches.
While they finished up Word Searches, I chatted with Jesse, did a little more housework, and then handed off the homeschooling reins to him and headed out to run on the treadmill, take my shower, and get ready for the day.
The afternoon at the office space was filled with phone calls, emails, taking care of some business projects, working on some blog posts, and answering comments. Before I knew it, it was 5 p.m.!
The day before, our friends, the Hodges, had discovered we’d never gone to Chuy’s to eat before. So we planned a dinner date there with them and then we invited a few other families to join us.
So I met Jesse and the kids there and we had a FUN evening of good food and lots and lots of laughter and good talks.
When we got home, I spent some time working on a project with Kathrynne that she needed to finish up, we put the kids to bed, and then I did a little more blogging before crashing into bed… without finishing up the laundry OR writing this Day in My Life post. Oh well, it was a good day and there’s always tomorrow (or Wednesday!) for writing blog posts and finishing up laundry!
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