Monday, December 29, 2014

Want to take some baby steps to better health in 2015?

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:: Want to take some baby steps to better health in 2015?

Healthy Living Bundle Sale

As I’ve mentioned here in recent months, I’ve made some fairly significant changes to my eating. And I’ve noticed such a difference in how I feel. Honestly, it’s been downright amazing to me!

Many you have also mentioned that you’d like to make similar changes to your eating — or at least take some baby steps to reclaim your health. If that’s the case for you, I have some great news!

Remember that amazing Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Sale I told you about a few months ago? Well, they are bringing it back for a flash sale today and tomorrow only.

Why I'm Not Going to Become a Drill Sergeant About Nutrition

That’s right, through tomorrow at midnight, you can purchase a copy of the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle at the low, low price of $29.97! After tomorrow night (December 30, 2014), it will never be available again.

I’ve read through many of the ebooks and e-courses and signed up for most of the free bonuses and have gleaned so much from what I’ve read and learned and loved what I ordered.

Why I'm Not Going to Become a Drill Sergeant About Nutrition

Now please note: There is a LOT of information in this bundle. It could feel overwhelming if you were to try to read all the ebooks, go through the ecourses, and implement all the changes the authors tell you to make.

I want to encourage you to NOT read all the ebooks. That information overload could just produce major stress and guilt.

Instead, I encourage you to look at the list of ebooks and e-courses and pick 10-15 that you feel would be highly beneficial. For instance, here are the ebooks I chose to read:

And here are the ebooks I’m hoping to read in the next few weeks:

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

There are more ebooks that I hope to read in the future, but I’m trying to pace myself and not be overwhelmed with ideas and information.

It’s better to baby step your way along and actually make small and steady changes, than to try to overhaul your life overnight and end up stressed and burnt out.

Want to win a FREE bundle?

To help you baby step your way to better health, I’m going to give away an Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle to two readers here today. Here’s how to enter to win:

1) Head over here and pick out two ebooks in the bundle that you’d love to read.

2) Then, come back here and leave a comment on this post telling me which two ebooks you’d love to read.

I’ll choose and post two winners tonight and will buy you each a copy of the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle tonight!

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)


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