Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Answering your burning questions and more...

This week on The Crystal Paine Show, Jesse and I are doing a fun episode together answering your burning questions. Listen to previous episodes of The Crystal Paine Show here. Guess what? We're trying something different for today's episode! So many of ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Answering your burning questions

This week on The Crystal Paine Show, Jesse and I are doing a fun episode together answering your burning questions. Listen to previous episodes of The Crystal Paine Show here.

a photo of Jesse and Crystal Paine

Guess what? We’re trying something different for today’s episode!

So many of you have asked such great questions and I haven’t had a chance to answer many of them, so today’s episode is completely devoted to answering your burning questions!

Jesse is joining me and we’re answering them together — and neither of us prepped anything ahead of time so these are totally on the fly!

One of the questions is about picking a new hobby. Mine would involve either a spinning wheel or sports. (Those probably sound pretty dramatically different!)

We’ll also chat about what we like about living in Tennessee, and why the rain amazed us so much the first time we saw it here.

We talk about our favorite desserts AND how to develop the willpower to cut back on (or eliminate) sugar. The answer depends a lot on whether you’re internally motivated (like me) or externally motivated (like Jesse).

Tune in to hear about all these things, as well as what career we would choose if we weren’t doing what we do, our worst financial decision ever, our favorite date nights, life without a credit card, whether I’ve ever not followed through with something (hint: YES!), and whether we’ve talked to our kids about dating or courting.

If you’d like for us to do another episode like this again in the future, let me know!

In This Episode:

[01:19] – If we had to pick a new hobby, what would it be?

[04:21] – What’s our favorite thing about living in Tennessee?

[06:49] – Am I really supposed to pick just one favorite dessert?!

[08:23] – The next question was about tips on developing the willpower to cut back on sugar. (Oops! Maybe this one shouldn’t have come right after the question about dessert??)

[13:30] – If we had to choose a different career, what would we choose?

[16:40] – We talk about the worst financial decision we’ve ever made, and what we learned from it.

[20:01] – We’ve been asked a lot about how we manage to live without a credit card. We share what we’ve learned and we discuss why I’ve chosen not to have a credit card while Jesse does have one now.

[24:45] – Is there anything we’ve started and not followed through with? Oh yes! We laugh about how much we’ve learned when it comes to goal-setting.

[28:35] – A lot of people have asked if we’ve talked to our kids about dating and courtship and how we’re planning to approach this with our kids. We share some really candid thoughts on this — and they might surprise you!

Links and Resources:

How to Listen to The Crystal Paine Show

The podcast is available on iTunesAndroidStitcher, and Spotify. You can listen online through the direct player we’ll include in the show notes of each episode. OR, a much easier way to listen is by subscribing to the podcast through a free podcast app on your phone. (Find instructions for how to subscribe to a podcast here.)

Ready to dive in and listen? Hit the player above or search for “The Crystal Paine Show” on your favorite podcast app.


A Peek Into February at Our House

Every month in 2019, I’ll be sharing a photographic peek into the previous month. I thought this would be fun to give you a behind-the-scenes look at our month and recap some of the highs and lows and special memories of the month.

Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and we will be compensated if you click through and sign up. Read our disclosure policy here.

woman holding salad

I ate (and posted about!) a lot of salads in February. (See my 10 days of Salads post.)

a photo of homemade pizza

Kathrynne and I made Homemade Pizza one Friday night and I showed her how we used to make pizza when Jesse was in law school and we’d only buy one bag of chicken every other week most weeks (that would typically be the only meat we’d be able to afford in our budget), so we’d just put a tiny bit of meat on the pizza usually (see example above).

It was good to remember those days. I never want to forget and I want our kids to know this part of our story

homemade seven-layer dip

We had gotten a lot of bags of chips for $0.99 at Kroger and I had gotten a great deal on Refried Beans, and I had gotten Guacamole for free, I had some sour cream I had found marked down, and we had some salsa and cheese. So I made another re-invented Layered Dip for our Super Bowl party.

backyard fire pit

We had a backyard fire pit one night and roasted s’mores.

girls basketball

Seeing your child lose is hard as a parent. The internet is full of lots of shining moments — awards won, trophies received, accolades and accomplishments. And I’ve shared some of those and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

But for every time one child or one team wins, another child or another team has lost. And it’s hard to be the one who lost.

Kathrynne’s basketball team had a stellar season. They won almost all of their games — and many of them by 15-30 points.

But in February, their dreams of making it to the championship games were cut short by a lost game. And it broke my heart to see them all huddled on the court after the game with tears streaming down their faces.

And yet, it was also so beautiful to witness. There wasn’t any anger. They had all fought hard together and they all stood there and comforted one another as their coach spoke words of encouragement over them.

They didn’t take home a trophy this year. They didn’t even get to compete for the trophy. But I think that the character they displayed in this devastating loss and the lessons they are learning from it are far more valuable than any trophy or win would ever be.

(Thank you to Kathrynne for giving me permission to share this. My hope is that it might encourage another mama out there whose child might also have recently lost something they worked and fought so hard for.)

painting sarcophagi

I was in charge of the History Week craft for Kaitlynn’s class. They were studying Egypt, so we painted sarcophagi.

painting sarcophagi

painting sarcaphogi

painting a sarcophagus

science fair project

Kathrynne had Science Fair this month and her teacher suggested she do the same Science Fair project she did last year (a tornado simulator), only he wanted her to take it to the next level and do more testing of damage by making the simulator produce different levels of tornadic activity.

science fair project

She worked really hard on this project and ended up winning first place in her class — which earned her $100!

boys at school in uniform

Silas’ class did a presentation for the school for History Week.

hand sewn Egyptian dress

And Kaitlynn made an Egyptian dress for the final day of History Week. (She had never sewn clothes in her life, but she looked on YouTube, designed a pattern, and sewed it!)

three children dressed up

Escape Room photo

We celebrated our good friend, Jamie’s, birthday with a fun night out to dinner and to an Escape Room (where we escaped with literally almost zero seconds to spare!)

mastermind group

And I flew to Atlanta the last two days of February to attend an SEO training for bloggers with AdThrive.

lunch with bloggers

I learned SO much and loved getting to sit at the feet of such wise bloggers and soak up their wisdom!

shower water filter

By the way, the most popular post of February was my post on How a $33 Shower Filter is Changing My Hair.

What were some of YOUR highlights from February? I’d love to hear!

P.S. In case you missed it, How I Did On My Goals in February.