Friday, January 10, 2020

My Completely Honest Butcher Box Review and more...

Looking for really honest Butcher Box reviews or searching for ways to save money high-quality meat? This is a really comprehensive post on the pros and cons of Butcher Box! Note: This post is sponsored by Butcher Box, but all opinions are my own. Read ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

My Completely Honest Butcher Box Review

Looking for really honest Butcher Box reviews or searching for ways to save money high-quality meat? This is a really comprehensive post on the pros and cons of Butcher Box!

Note: This post is sponsored by Butcher Box, but all opinions are my own. Read our disclosure policy here.

Have you been wanting to try out Butcher Box but are wishing someone would do an honest review for you beforehand. Well, I gotcha covered today!

Butcher Box reached out and asked if I’d be willing to try out the service and write an honest review of my experience. As you well know with my honest review posts, I try to do my very best to give you a comprehensive overview of the product and service and my truthful thoughts on whether it is a good deal.

For those who might be unfamiliar with Butcher Box, they are a subscription service that sends a box of high quality meat to your door every month.

How Butcher Box Works

When you first sign up with Butcher Box, you can choose what kind of box you’d like for them to send. We’ve tried out a few different boxes in order to get a good feel for the type and quality of meat they offer.

You can choose between five different types of boxes:

I recommend doing a custom box because it allows you to customize the meat that they send and you are able to get exactly what you know you will use.

Once you choose which box you’d like, then you pick your monthly box size. You can choose between a Classic Box ($128-$149/month) or a Big Box ($238-270/month). The price varies depending upon which type of meat box you chose.

After you’ve chosen your box size, then you can customize exactly what they will send you. I like that you can see exactly what your options are and you can figure out how to get the best bang for your buck!

Then, just input your payment information and you’re done. (Psst! You might wait a bit on the payment page, because an offer should pop up to add free bacon to your box if you do!)

Is Butcher Box Meat High Quality?

Butcher Box is very committed to offering some of highest quality meat on the market. They pride themselves on having some of the highest standards for sourcing, sustainability, and taste.

No meat from Butcher Box will ever have added hormones or antibiotics. (Note: Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in pork and the use of hormones or steroids in poultry.)

In addition, Butcher Box animals are only humanely raised. Here are some more details on the packaging in our latest box…

Is Butcher Box Meat Fresh?

I have gotten three different boxes from Butcher Box and, each time, the box has showed up in good condition and the meat is still frozen almost solid when it arrives.

As you can see from the box below, Butcher Box sends their meat in very sturdy boxes and it’s packaged well with dry ice.

While Butcher Box is much more expensive than buying meat when it’s marked down at the grocery store, the overall quality is much higher. If you are looking for a source for quality, humanely-raised meat, definitely check out Butcher Box.

Is There a Butcher Box Discount Code?

Looking for a Butcher Box coupon code? I have a very limited time discount offer for you that you won’t want to miss!

Through January 12, 2020 only, if you sign up for Butcher Box through this link, you will automatically get the following meat added to your first box — completely free!

  1. One pack of delicious uncured, no-nitrate bacon
  2.  2 lbs. of wild-caught Alaskan sockeye salmon
  3. 4+ lbs. of heritage-breed pork butt

That’s right,  you’ll get 6+ pounds of bacon, salmon, and pork butt added to your first box at no additional cost. Just order by January 12, 2020 to get this deal.

To get this Butcher Box deal, just click on this link, type in your email address, and order your first box.

Have you tried out Butcher Box before? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience with it!


How to Get Your Kids to Help Around the House

Welcome to my weekly post where I answer one of your questions you’ve submitted. This week’s question is on how to get your kids to help around the house. Here are five strategies that have worked for us…

“How do you get your kids to help around the house?”

This is a question multiple people asked when I shared pictures and videos of our family working together to declutter last week.

Honestly, I had to think about that one for a bit because it feels like it’s been so long since it’s something we’ve worked on intentionally — it just sort of happens now that our three oldest are almost 15, 12, and 10.

But in the earlier years, here were some things that I feel helped pay a good foundation:

1. Model It.

Don’t just ask your kids to help or work; set an example for them of a strong work ethic. “More is caught than taught.”

2. Teach It.

Don’t expect your kids to just automatically know what “clean your room” or “do the dishes” or “sweep the floor” means. Take the time to really show them how to do it — and give them lots of grace and patience in the learning process.

I give a lot of practical ideas for this in my post on How to Get Your Kids to Stop Whining and Help with Chores.

3. Inspect It.

Follow up after you’ve given a task to make sure it was completed and done well. Oftentimes, this has helped me realize areas where I still need to go back and do some more hands-on teaching.

4. Expect It.

“We all work together to make our home run. Everyone is an asset.”

This is one of our family mantras and it’s something we often remind ours kids about.

Need some age-appropriate chore ideas? Check out this post with some chore ideas for kids of different ages(Keep in mind, though, that each child is different. What might be simple for one 4-year-old, could be utterly overwhelming to another.)

5. Praise It.

It’s easy to focus on what our kids are doing wrong, where they’ve missed the mark, or where they need to improve. But I think it’s important to make sure we’re praising 10 times more than we are correcting.

I talk more about the importance of this in my post on How to Get Your Kids to Help With Chores More Willingly.

6. Reward It.

We all work hard, but we also play hard, too. For instance, we did fun things together last week when the decluttering was done.

I often tell the kids, “When we get this work done, then we’ll do xyz (something fun)!” It inspires and motivates all of us (including me!) to finish the work so we can enjoy something fun together.

How do you encourage your kids to help? What has worked well for your family?

P.S. Have a question you’d love for me to answer in a future Q&A post? Send me an email through the contact form here.