Are you trying to save more money on groceries and stick to a grocery budget? NEVER do these five things!
Psst! Looking for more ways to cut your grocery bill? Check out my FREE cheat sheet on how to cut your grocery bill by $50 this week!
Guest post from Katrina of Frugal Fun Mom
If you’re a busy mom, I’m sure the last thing you want to do is go to the grocery store — let alone go to the grocery store with cranky kids and still try to find ways to save money on your groceries.
I get it. I feel the same way!
While I do enjoy saving money on groceries, the actual process can be daunting — especially when time is limited and you have kids who would rather be doing anything but grocery shopping.
If you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to saving money on groceries, my advice is to never do these 5 things…
1. Never Use Grocery Delivery or Pick Up Services
I can hear the gasp – yes, I said it. You should never use grocery delivery or pick up services.
What?! Yes, never… at least not if your goal is to save money on groceries!
While these services are super convenient, they come at a cost and some of these costs are hidden. While a lot of grocery or delivery services are free, most are only free if you buy a certain quantity of items – which can mean you overspend just to make sure you don’t have to pay delivery fees.
Also, most of these services do not allow you to use coupons. I think we can all agree that coupons are like free money, so you always want the option to use them when you shop. Yes, you can choose to buy only those items which are on sale, but you still can’t use coupons – your free money – to buy those items.
If I haven’t convinced you already, the main reason I don’t use grocery delivery or pick up services is that I miss out on all the hidden deals inside the store. I’m talking about the deals you find in the clearance bins, discount section, or the manager’s specials aisle. Plus, when you find a great deal in clearance and can use a coupon on top of the deal, you have just scored yourself an even better deal that you never would’ve found using grocery delivery or pick up services.
2. Never Go to the Grocery Store Without a List
Make sure you always go to the grocery store with a list of stuff you need – don’t go into the store blind! If you do, you will overspend and most likely buy things you don’t need.
Make a list of the things you need and try your best not to deter from your list while shopping.
3. Never Go to the Grocery Store Without Looking Over the Weekly Ad
Always look at the weekly ad before you head to the grocery store! Make sure you know what is on sale, and what is not.
If you have multiple grocery stores in your area, compare prices and deals by looking at the weekly ads.
If you don’t have a newspaper subscription and don’t receive the ads, you can always find the weekly ads online or by downloading the grocery store app to your smartphone.
4. Never Go to the Grocery Store Without Your Coupons
This one should be a no-brainer, but just in case your forgot – make sure to always take your coupons with you when you go shopping. You never know when you will come across an unexpected or unplanned deal at the store. Especially when you’re digging through the clearance or mark down bins.
I like to take my big coupon binder that holds all my coupons, as well as my mini organizer, with me every time I shop. I put specific coupons in my mini organizer that I know I will use at the grocery store based off their weekly ad. Then, when I bring my big coupon binder along with all my other coupons, I make sure to get maximum savings at the store when I find that unexpected deal because I have all my coupons with me.
5. Never Go to the Grocery Store Without a Budget
My final tip is to never go to the grocery store without a budget.
Why, you might ask? Again, because you will overspend. Even if you do find a good deal on an item, it’s not a good deal if you don’t have the money to buy it.
Make sure to have a grocery budget and stick to it.
If you have extra money after you buy all the things you need, then go ahead and buy those unexpected deals you find in the clearance bin that you can add to your home stockpile – but don’t overspend!
If you can stick to these 5 guidelines, I guarantee you will save money on groceries.
Remember that saving money on groceries is not always easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it. It takes a little work, but saving money for your household is so worth it!
You can do it momma!
Katrina Rauch is a full-time blogger and a mom of three. Her blog, Frugal Fun Mom, is dedicated to helping moms discover practical ways to save money, find encouragement for everyday mom chaos, and be inspired with frugal fun ideas to enjoy their kids.
Looking for more grocery savings tips?
If you’re looking for more ways to cut your grocery bill, be sure to sign up for my FREE cheat sheet on 10 Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill by $50!
Plus, check out the links below for more grocery saving tips: