Sunday, August 26, 2018

Slow Day: Week 34

Welcome to my weekly Slow Day post, inspired by Monica from The Homespun Heart. My Word for 2018 is Slow and, in the spirit of that word, I'm taking one day each week (Wednesday) off — I'll be unplugged and offline and plan to move at a slower ...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

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Slow Day: Week 34

Welcome to my weekly Slow Day post, inspired by Monica from The Homespun Heart. My Word for 2018 is Slow and, in the spirit of that word, I'm taking one day each week (Wednesday) off — I'll be unplugged and offline and plan to move at a slower pace, take time to do things that refresh me, and just really focus on being present and savoring the moment.

Each week, I'll be sharing a photographic peek into my Slow Day. Enjoy a little peek into our lives!

We tried something new this morning. I skipped working out and instead took my shower and got ready for the day before we left for school and then I went to Morning Assembly with Silas and Kaitlynn. It was so fun to get to see a peek into what they’ve been learning. I’m hoping to make this a weekly thing — it’s totally worth skipping my workout for!

I’m excited to be serving as a co-leader in our church’s Discipleship Group again this year. Last year, I was really hesitant about helping lead, but I did it (with some strong encouragement from Jesse and our church’s Women’s Ministry Leader), because I felt like it was something I was being called to do — even though it scared me.

It ended up being a powerfully life-changing experience PLUS I developed a really close friendship with two of the women in my group (Jamie & Lauren) — a big answer to many prayers I’ve prayed for really close local friends! That was completely unexpected and such an extra special gift… we have made so many special memories as girlfriends and couples and families this past year — and we are planning all sorts of fun adventures for the future (I’ll be blogging some of them, I’m sure! Stay tuned!)

We had a Leader’s meeting on Wednesday and Discipleship Group officially kicks off with a Tuesday Dessert Night this week. I’m excited to see what God is going to do this year as I step out in faith and help lead a new group!

After the Leader’s Meeting, I headed to Nashville to meet up with Leigh Kramer who was in town. (I actually got there early — something I’ve been working on making a thing in my life! And I had some time to read a little bit from one of my current reads, Sacred Rest.)

Leigh always knows the best places to go eat! She picked Edley’s Bar-B-Que and it was amazing! I want to take Jesse back there!

I didn’t get home until close to when the kids got home from school, so I made a quick dinner of Barbecue Chicken (the easiest recipe on the planet!) and then we reviewed homework, hung out, and talked about their day.

(I told you this recipe was easy – it’s literally just a bottle of barbecue sauce and chicken — both that I got on a great sale in the last month!) We served it with leftover mac and cheese and roasted veggies. The perfect kind of comfort food!

I spent the rest of the evening hanging out with the kids — talking and watching YouTube videos. And then we all went to bed early!