Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The 3 Books I Read This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year.  (Note: Some of the links in […]

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The 3 Books I Read This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year

(Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

And it’s week #3 of reading 3 books in a week! I’m so excited that I’m continuing on with this trend!

1. The Hormone Reset Diet

I saw this audiobook on the Libby app and it intrigued me so I ended up listening to it and found it interesting. I didn’t agree with all of it (the author is pretty anti-grains and I find that grains make me feel so much better!), but I found many of her thoughts insightful and I actually felt really encouraged by it to realize how healthy I feel and that I’m not experiencing most of the the signs of hormone issues that she mentions in the book.

(I just recently downloaded the Libby app and am loving it. It's like a modern version of Overdrive. It's free and you can "check out" audiobooks and ebooks from your library through it. They have a pretty wide selection and I think I won't run out of audiobooks to listen to for a very long time. Here are 8 ways to get audiobooks for free.)

2. The Weight of Glory

So, full confession, I haven’t read a lot of books by C.S. Lewis, but I picked this book up because my friend, Jamie, was reading it and she encouraged me to read it, too. It’s a collection of various essays by C.S. Lewis on a variety of topics.

I read it really slowly because I struggled to really comprehend what many of the essays meant. And I think that I still didn’t get a lot of it. But it was good to challenge myself to read something that was stretching and I really enjoyed parts of it and other parts made me think in a good way.

3. The Touch

This is a beautiful, short book that I really enjoyed. I picked it up for free from My Reader Rewards and didn’t have any expectations for it, but ended up really loving it. Have you read it?

When I Find Time to Read

People are always asking me how I find time to read. Honestly, it's because I love to read, because I've chosen to prioritize it, because I don't have a lot of other hobbies, and because I can't not read. Also, when you love something, you usually can find ways to get creative to find time to fit it in — even if it's in the little nooks and crannies of life.

I wrote a post on 3 ways to find more time to read — even when life is busy. And here are 7 more ways to find time to read.

What did you read and watch this past week? Any books or movies or shows you really think I need to read or watch?