Monday, July 9, 2018

Moms, Let's Stop Apologizing for Our Decisions and more...

{This post is sponsored by Mirum. Read my disclosure policy here.} Now that my kids are 13, 11, and 9, I feel like I have earned the right to speak on a few topics related to motherhood. Not all topics, mind you. […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.


Moms, Let’s Stop Apologizing for Our Decisions

{This post is sponsored by Mirum. Read my disclosure policy here.}

Now that my kids are 13, 11, and 9, I feel like I have earned the right to speak on a few topics related to motherhood. Not all topics, mind you. But just a few.

Someday, when my kids are grown and gone, I may have a lot more to say. But I feel like I need to practice and learn and live some more before I share many lessons on motherhood. Because I’m right there in the trenches with many of you.

But for you newer moms, I have earned enough battle scars and made enough mistakes that I feel like I can share some honest advice. You don’t have to listen to it, but I hope you will.

It’s this: Stop listening to all of the voices out there telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. Trust your gut and your God-given mother’s intuition. There is no one right way to parent a child.

{Okay, I know that I’m sort of telling you what you shouldn’t do by saying you shouldn’t listen to all the voices, but hear me out…}

Each child is different. Each family is different. Each season is different.

Do your research. Pray. Seek wise counsel. Ask trusted friends for advice and input.

Then, do what you feel is best for your own child. And do it confidently.

You don’t need to give long explanations if someone else disagrees. You don’t need to apologize if someone else doesn’t get it.

Walmart asked me if I could write on this topic because they know that many new moms struggle and wonder whether they are making the best decisions for their kids.

I’m here to tell you that nobody has this parenting thing all figured out. We’re all just doing the best we know how. Your best is the best you can do.

Stop feeling like you need to apologize if you don’t do everything perfectly. No one has cracked the code on perfect motherhood. 🙂

Unfortunately, there are some people that can make you feel less than if you choose differently than them. Sometimes, I think it’s because they are feeling insecure in their choices and it somehow makes them feel better about themselves if they put others down. It’s sad, but true.

In the time that I’ve been blogging, I’ve seen this happen time and time again. And one area where it happens the most is when it comes to breastfeeding versus formula.

Here’s the thing: I'm a huge advocate of breastfeeding and was blessed to be able to nurse all three of my kids exclusively. I was even one of those people who nursed my kids until they were around 18 months old. It was hard work at first. It was painful and uncomfortable and, were it not for the cost savings and the fact that we were on a super tight budget, I just might have.

In all honesty, I wanted to quit and not stick with nursing. But I’m so glad that I didn’t give up because I ended up loving it and it saved us a lot of money.

I’m always going to be the person to encourage moms to push through and stick with nursing — even when it’s rough. Ask experienced friends. Read books. Find a lactation consultant. In many, many cases, with some help and coaching, you will be able to experience the joys of nursing, too.

But I know that’s not the case for all moms. Some moms do everything they can and work so hard to be able to nurse and they just physically can’t. I’ve heard story after story from moms who feel so guilty that they couldn’t nurse.

There are also many amazing adoptive moms for whom breastfeeding isn’t an option. Some of them even try and put a lot of effort into attempting induced lactation and it doesn’t work.

Which is why I am grateful that there are options out there for high-quality formula that is more affordable. Store-brand formula is one such option.

Walmart offers a really great non-GMO infant formula at lower store-brand prices! (Plus, scroll down to the bottom of this post for Ibotta savings and a giveaway!)

There are four non-GMO formulas to choose from that will save you up to 50% annually compared to their nutritionally similar national brands:

  • Parent's Choice™ Infant Non-GMO Formula — Milk-based formula that provides complete nutrition for your baby's first year 0-12 months and features a blend of nutrients that supports your baby's health and brain development. Nutritionally comparable to Enfamil® Infant Non-GMO!
  • Parent's Choice™ Advantage® Non-GMO Infant Formula — This infant formula is designed to be more like breastmilk and features a blend of nutrients that support your baby's growth and development from birth to 12 months of age. Nutritionally comparable to Similac Advance Non-GMO.
  • Parent's Choice™ Sensitivity® Infant Formula — Designed for babies with fussiness and gas because of lactose intolerance. Nutritionally comparable to Similac® Sensitive®.
  • Parent's Choice™ Gentle® Formula — Milk-based reduced lactose formula with easier to digest proteins that contains 25% less lactose than standard, milk formula. Nutritionally comparable to Enfamil® Gentlease® Non-GMO.

And right now there is an Ibotta offer to save $3 off any of the formulas listed above! So not only will you score the savings of the store-brand formula, but you'll also save on top of that with this Ibotta deal!

Win a $200 Walmart gift card!

What's your best advice for a new mom? Use the widget below to share it with a community of other moms (using the hashtag #MomsKnowBestWM), and you'll be able to enter a giveaway for your chance to win a $200 Walmart gift card! There are 25 gift cards up for grabs!

The Parent’s Choice Formula #MomsKnowsBestWM Sweepstakes


Yes, I read 3 books last week!!

Welcome to my weekly Book-ish post where I share what I've been reading and watching recently. If you missed it, you can see my Reading Goals for 2018 and 44 Books I Plan to Read This Year

(Note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

So last week, I told you that I set a crazy goals for myself to read 3 books per week every week for the rest of the year. Some of you thought I was completely crazy and some of you graciously suggested that I lower my goal. Others of you told me I totally could do this.

I realized that I should tell you that as an INTJ and Enneagram 8, I’ve discovered that this type of goal can really motivate me in a powerful and good way, instead of in a stressful way. So far, it seems like this goal is going to be a good thing.

Even though I had a really full week, I found myself turning on an audiobook multiple times per day and I realized I was picking up a book at night instead of picking up my phone to check Instagram — which was my big hope.

And it felt so good to be reading so much more again! As long as it keeps me motivated in a good way and it’s causing stress for me, I plan to keep aiming for this 3 books a week goal.

I’m happy to report that I hit that goal this week! Here are the 3 books I read/listened to:

1. Relentless Spirit

This book is one I’ve wanted to read for quite some time as I’m always fascinated by Olympians and their resolve and discipline and upbringing. Unfortunately, this book was hard for me to get into.

I felt like it had a lot nuggets of truth and interesting stories, but it kind of jumped all over the place and I felt like it needed a lot more editing and tightening up. It felt repetitive and wordy in many sections and it was confusing since the timeline of stories was all out of order.

2. Dance, Stand, Run

I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed Wild & Free.I wanted more of a clarion call and to feel highly motivated and inspired when I finished it and I just didn’t. However, I felt like there were some thought-provoking chapters and things I’ll be mulling over for quite some time.

Have you read it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

3. Shaken

I feel like I’m a broken record in my book post this week, but this book also was a disappointment. I felt like it had a lot of filler information, a lot of illustrations that have been shared too many times, and just wasn’t that insightful or interesting.

I ended up listening to it sped up through the Libby app.

(I just recently downloaded the Libby app and am loving it. It’s like a modern version of Overdrive. It’s free and you can “check out” audiobooks and ebooks from your library through it. They have a pretty wide selection and I think I won’t run out of audiobooks to listen to for a very long time. Here are 8 ways to get audiobooks for free.)

When I Find Time to Read

People are always asking me how I find time to read. Honestly, it's because I love to read, because I've chosen to prioritize it, because I don't have a lot of other hobbies, and because I can't not read. Also, when you love something, you usually can find ways to get creative to find time to fit it in — even if it's in the little nooks and crannies of life.

I wrote a post on 3 ways to find more time to read — even when life is busy. And here are 7 more ways to find time to read.

What did you read and watch this past week? Any books or movies or shows you really think I need to read or watch?


Free Printable Meal Planning and Cleaning Mini Planner

Download a free printable Mini Planner that will help you stay on track with meal planning and cleaning.


Free Printable July Oven Free Menu Plan

Want to keep the heat out of the kitchen during the hot summer months? Download this free printable July Oven Free Menu Plan.