Do you have a dream to work part-time or full-time from home? Have you struggled to know where to start looking for a work-at-home job?
If you answered “yes” to either of the above questions, I have a resource today that I want to tell you about that you’ve got to check out!
How to Land Your First Work-at-Home Job by Angie Nelson is a step-by-step guide to getting your first work-at-home job. This course covers so much valuable information, including:
What Work-at-Home Job is Right For You: This course starts out by walking you through exercises to determine what type of work-at-home job is right for you. It gives multiple examples of work-at-home jobs and then shares the skill sets and passions you’d need for those jobs. For instance, it gives you bullet points on what types of strengths you’d need to have to land a Customer Service job or a Freelance Writing job or a Data Entry Job or a Virtual Administrative Support job.
How to Avoid Work-At-Home Scams: I love that this course also addresses how to avoid scams when it comes to work-at-home jobs. Sadly, there are a LOT of scams out there. But by using the tips this course gives, you can be guaranteed to not fall for anything that isn’t a legit work-at-home job.
How to Find Work-at-Home Job Opportunities: Next, this course walks you through a lot of insider tips to actually finding work-at-home jobs. Here’s the encouraging thing: There are thousands of jobs out there — if you know where to look for them!
How to Put Together a Resume That Will Stand Out: The author gives you a free resume template you can use, shares a lot of pointers on how to put together a well-crafted resume, and encourages you to use key words in your resume that will catch a potential employer’s attention.
What You Need to Know Before You Apply For a Job: I can tell you from personal experience that the tips she shares in this section are spot-on. Don’t starting applying before you read these and follow them. I have not even bothered to look at someone’s resume because they made one of these simple errors. Also, there are some fantastic tips for the art of the cold pitch.
What You Need to Know Before Your First Interview: Prepping for an online interview is very important — and your interview will likely be what makes or breaks you landing the job. So do yourself a huge favor and listen carefully to the valuable tips the author shares in this section.
100+ Companies That Hire At-Home Workers: Okay, this section of the course is worth so much more than the price of the course. The author has put together a list of 100+ companies that hire at-home workers and this course lists them by field. This is GOLD! It will save you hours of time and effort — and many of these are likely companies you wouldn’t have thought to contact without this list!
If you are serious about getting a work-at-home job, I cannot recommend this course highly enough. It gives you all of the information, tools, and advice you need to go from dreaming about working from home, to actually landing your first real work-at-home job!
And, through July 31, 2017, my readers can get 25% off the regular price — making it just $21.75!