Sunday, June 26, 2016

Shopkick: Earn gift cards for walking into stores and scanning products!

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

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Shopkick: Earn gift cards for walking into stores and scanning products!

Sign up with Shopkick to earn free gift cards!

So, I’ll be honest. I signed up with Shopkick a few years back when it was brand new, and I never really did very much with it. Just recently, I've gotten excited about it again, though!

I love Shopkick, because it's something you can do on the side while you're already out running errands or getting shopping done. It almost becomes a treasure hunt of sorts, and it's super fun for the kids!


To get started with Shopkick, you simply download the app, turn on Bluetooth, and walk in to stores. You'll get "kicks" just for walking in. Sometimes you don’t even have to walk all the way in. You can just walk by the store. 😉

You can also earn kicks for scanning product barcodes — no purchase necessary! There are other ways to earn, such as purchasing products that offer "kick bates," but I don't bother with linking up my debit card to the account.

Here’s the cool thing, by simply walking in to stores and scanning products, you can easily earn at least one $5 gift card per week! I recommend that you only Shopkick at stores that you’re already planning on shopping at, or that you’re nearby when you have a few extra minutes to spare.


I’ve noticed that there are higher value bonus kicks on the weekends. Consider getting a group of frugal-minded friends together for a fun, free afternoon of Shopkicking. It also gives you good exercise from walking around shopping centers!

It's super easy to redeem your kicks for rewards in the app. Just select which reward you want to try to earn kicks towards, and the app will let you know when it's time to cash in! It's SO simple. And there are some great rewards to choose from, including Starbucks, TJMaxx, Target, Walmart, Old Navy, Best Buy, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Barnes & Noble, and more!

Sign up here with Shopkick to get started.

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life


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