Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The power of actually telling someone how much you love them (instead of just assuming they know!) and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

The power of actually telling someone how much you love them (instead of just assuming they know!)

The power of expressing love

I recently read The Life-Giving Home by Sally and Sarah Clarkson and one of the chapters was on the power of expressing love. I was really inspired by this quote:

Just as a plant needs to be watered daily, affirmation and encouragement need to be communicated over and over again.

Think of the people in your life whom you love dearly. Have you been watering them with words of affirmation and encouragement? 

Don’t hold back or wait until it’s too late to tell someone how much you appreciate them. Go through your days looking for ways to encourage and uplift others with your words.That day when you realize your "little kids" are no longer little any more

Here are some examples Sally gave of ways to share love verbally to others:

  • I'm glad you are my friend.
  • You are a gift from God to me, my precious child.
  • My life is so much more fun…richer…happier…fulfilling, because I have you in my life.
  • I believe in you, your dreams, your potential, your faith, your integrity… YOU!

Ask yourself: Are the words you are speaking to other people life-giving? Are they breathing hope and motivation and encouragement into their hearts and souls?

Our words have so much power. They have power to hurt and power to heal. I know I’ve been on the receiving end of both kinds of words and I’ve been on the giving end of both kinds of words, too.

That day when you wake up and realize your "little kids" are no longer little any more...

Sally shared in this chapter how she made a commitment to regularly share with the people in her life exactly what they meant to her. She said she wants them to know beyond a shadow of a doubt how much she cares about them.

I love this! I don’t want the people closest to me to go through life wondering where they stand with me or wondering if I care about them. I want them to know that I love them wholeheartedly and care so incredibly much about them.

Don't assume that your family and friends know what you think about them or know how much you care about them. They can't read your thoughts.

Tell your kids how much you love them. Let your spouse know exactly how you feel about him or her.

The power of expressing love

Take time to express appreciation and affirmation for others in your life. You never know how much one small phrase could affect another person and impact them in a positive way for the rest of their life. Your words could very well change someone's life, or at the very least, make their day a little bit better.

Speak those words to others… today. Because there’s no better time than now to express to others how much you love them. 

What are some ways you love to express your love for others (or ways that others have shown you love)? Tell us in the comments so we can be inspired!


Free 2016 Summer Reading Programs for Kids

Check out all of the free 2016 Summer Reading Programs for kids!

Believe it or not, it's almost that time of year again — when school is out and summer reading programs abound. Yay! (Well, some of you might not be saying "yay!", but we do because my kids LOVE them some summer reading programs!)

Check out this huge list of Free 2016 Summer Reading Programs! Are there any others you know of that should be added to her list?


5 Things I’m Loving This Week (my first time golfing + more!)

Speaking at Business Boutique

1. The Business Boutique Event in Phoenix

I flew to Phoenix last week for a few days to speak at the Business Boutique — a new event for women entrepreneurs from the Dave Ramsey team. It was a BLAST!

Not only did I love getting to meet so many amazing women and be inspired by other incredible speakers, I also was so honored to have the opportunity to share about a subject I’m intensely passionate about: monetizing your online platform.

{You can watch a short video clip from my interview on multiple streams of income and simple ways to make money online here. If you’re looking for more step-by-step help, be sure to sign up for my free 5-day course on How I Make a Full-Time Income From Home.}

Psst! If you live anywhere near Dallas, there are still a few tickets left for this weekend’s event! 3 reasons you should come:

1) It’s one of the most actionable and inspirational events for women in business I’ve ever attended.

2) It’s only $99 (that’s a STEAL for all the info you’ll take away from it!)

3) I’ll be speaking there — and I’d LOVE to meet you!

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

2. Hot Weather & Quiet By the Pool

While in Phoenix, I got to enjoy some time soaking up the sun and quiet by the pools at the hotel we were staying at. I ended up getting to swim a little all three days I was there. This was exciting and unexpected since I’m usually so busy at speaking events that all I get to do is speak, meet with people, eat, blog, and sleep. But this event had a little down time for speakers built in which was such a blessing and I soaked every bit of it up.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

3. Golfing With Friends

After the conference was over, the four of us (me + two of our team + a friend) headed to Top Golf for a really fun evening. We laughed until we cried while playing the Wii, had yummy food, and I golfed for the very first time. (Yes, for real!)

I actually wasn’t half as bad as I thought I’d be at golf. In fact, I surprised myself by how much I loved it!

A book I've been loving

4. Colors of Goodbye book

On the flights to and from Phoenix, I read most of this book. It’s beautiful, heart-warming, touching, and inspiring.

It’s the story of walking through great loss and pain and seeing the beauty in the middle of the brokenness. Have you read it?

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

5. Milano Cookies

I woke up 4:45 am PST the first morning of the conference (thanks, time change!) and was so hungry but I didn’t have any food in my room other than the overpriced items in the hotel room mini bar and Milano cookies I had picked up at the store the night before for a special on-the-road snack. Guess what I chose to eat to hold me over until breakfast?? The cookies, of course!

So much for the post I wrote last week about food being fuel and making sure you fuel your body well… I guess I’ll make an exception. Because every once in awhile, it’s okay to have store bought cookies for breakfast. Especially when they are your very favorite in all the world cookies! 🙂

What are YOU loving this week? Tell us in the comments.



21 Days to a More Disciplined Life


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