Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to Save Up to $100 Per Year on Razors & Shaving! and more...

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

How to Save Up to $100 Per Year on Razors & Shaving!

How to Save Money on Razors

Earlier this week, I posted a funny post about how I have been using a disposable razor head without a handle to shave this week because I left my razor in Dallas and am too cheap to go buy a new razor when I can make do for now with a razor head.

So many of you commented on that post on social media and on my blog and gave hilarious suggestions, funny money-saving confessions, and tips and tricks for saving money on razors.

I took some time to compile all of these ideas and investigate the suggestions into a post for anyone who is looking for new ways to save money on razors:

1. Don’t Shave 🙂

This is sort of a given, but it’s definitely one of the best ways to save money on razors… just skip shaving altogether. Of course, if you’re weird like me and you shave every single day and like your man clean-shaven, this really isn’t an option! 😉

2. Dry Your Razors Off

Rachel shared this tip: “I heard many years ago that the thing that makes your blade dull is not the shaving but the moisture which breaks down the blade. Ever since then, I dry my razor off and store it under the sink (rather than in the shower). True diehards swish the blade in rubbing alcohol but I don't go that far. I only shave a couple of times a week but a single blade can last well over a year that way.”

I actually didn’t know this one, but it makes a lot of sense and I’m definitely going to try to remember to do this from now on!

How to Save Money on Razors

3. Use a Safety Razor

Jesse switched to a safety razor two or so years ago and he absolutely loves it. It’s much cheaper once you make the initial investment of the Safety Razor (you can find them for as low as $20 on Amazon).

Kim had shared this reader tip back in 2013:

I recently bought my husband a safety razor. It's becoming a new "fad" amongst men. He was using a Schick Hydro and when I was not able to get a deal on the cartridges we were spending $12-15 for four cartridges! And on top of that, I was using them also.

Add on shaving cream and we were easily spending $30/month just to shave. After a lot of research, I bought him a safety razor. The blades are just pennies each.

He has gotten into wet shaving…took to it like a pro. He gets as many shaves from a 10 cent blade as he got from a $3 cartridge.

On top of that, his can of shaving cream would only last him a month. He has been using a $2 puck of shave soap from Walmart for two months and it looks new and untouched. I'm expecting it will last him a year and he shaves everyday.

By the way, he LOVES shaving now. He said he's never had as close of a shave in his life, all of the irritation once caused by shaving is gone.

I bought myself a women's safety razor and I love it too! It's the closest shave I've ever had and I get 7-8 shaves out of one 10 cent blade also. -Kristin

To be perfectly honest, the blade is way too sharp for me (or at least it just looks scary sharp!) so I stay far away from it. Yes, I’m kind of chicken like that when it comes to sharp blades!

4. Pair Coupons With Drugstore Deals

For the first few years of our marriage, I always had a surplus of razors I had gotten free by pairing coupons with the drugstore rebate programs. We got so spoiled with nice, high-quality razors this way that when the drugstore deals became a lot less abundant, I realized that we had fallen in love with great disposable razors and the thought of going back to cheap ones wasn’t really appealing. Gratefully, I discovered Swagbucks around that time and it solved the issue for us (see below).

The deals at drugstores aren’t as prevalent now, but you can still occasionally find a good deal on razors by pairing a coupon with a sale and/or drugstore rebate.  I used to get razors free with drugstore deals. When those deals started becoming less frequent, I discovered Swagbucks and have used the free gift cards I’ve earned there to cover the costs of razors since then.

5. Buy From Amazon Using Swagbucks Gift Cards

For the last few years, I’ve been getting razors online from Amazon using gift cards earned free through Swagbucks. I usually just get whatever is least expensive but still good quality and will look to see if there’s an e-coupon I can pair with it to lower the price even more.

How to Save Money on Razors

6. Buy From

Okay, I have to tell you that I’ve never even heard of before. Have you?? I’ve been investigating the site and have been really impressed with what they offer and their very reasonable prices! Definitely check them out.

Jeanne said: “I buy my razors and blades at They razors are less than $3 and the blades are a buck each shipped free!”

April said: “I swear by Dorco disposable razors and coconut oil. I've tried most of what Dorco sells and the disposable ones are the same blade but attached to the handle, so they don't break off when I drop them (daily), and they are the only ones I recommend. They are about $1.50 each.”

How to Save Money on Razors

And then another reader gave these tips on Instagram: “Look into, and Google for coupons! I got more than 3 years’ supply of razor heads (I replace about 1x a month — if I remember) for less than $20. I use the Shai 6 heads and it’s better than the Venus original blades. Be sure to calculate the price per blade when buying… Buying two sets of the middle option replacement heads was the cheapest when I last ordered. Oh, and if you create an account and leave items in your basket a few days, you’ll get emailed coupons, first a 10%, then a 15% for proceeding to check out what’s in your basket. 🙂

If you’re interested in checking out Dorco razors, you can go here to get a 20% coupon code. (That’s my referral link — you can sign up for one, too, and you’ll get to give your friends a 20% off coupon code + earn 5% of every purchase through your link.)

How to Save Money on Razors

6. Sign Up for Dollar Shave Club

Can I be really honest? I’ve been super skeptical of the Dollar Shave Club. I don’t know why, but I just have. So I was super surprised that reader after reader after reader highly recommended it to me after reading my post.

Summer said: “Have you considered Dollar Shave Club? I was so skeptical at first, but my husband and I both LOVE it. (We get the middle of the road razors and the cartridges are $6 a month for 4.) They will auto mail them out but one really good thing is that you can change it either from monthly to bi-monthly at any time AND they will email you a few days before they plan to mail it out and you can decide to change it to bi-monthly even at that time – or change razors. (Speaking from experience!) I even got my mom hooked on the program, too.”

Another reader commented and said, “I don’t know how you haven’t discovered the wonder and joy of Dollar Shave Club. I am an every day shaver. I can’t even handle it. These razors are fantastic (even the dollar blades) and you literally can’t beat the price.”

And Lindsay agreed: “We love Dollar Shave club!! My husband and I use the same razor blades and each have our own handle and pack of blades. We share the refills and only order once every other month, so $36 a year for both of us. Frugal and I love how I never ‘run out’ of refills.”

That’s only a handful of the many comments singing the praises of Dollar Shave Club! I do have to say that Kris shared this link that says most of the razors from Dollar Shave Club are from Dorco and encourages people to order directly from Dorco — which I think is a great suggestion! However, I think one of the selling points of Dollar Shave Club is that you never mess with worrying about ordering razors; they just show up at your door at a price less than you’d usually pay at the store.

In the name of wanting to investigate this out to see if it was really a good deal and also wanting to follow my own mantra of “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it”, I signed up for Dollar Shave Club (I got the $6/month subscription) and am going to try it for 3 months and then plan to do a completely honest review of it. Stay tuned!

What are YOUR best tips to save money on razors? Tell us in the comments!

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(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.)

How to use today well (it’s so simple, really!)

How to use today well (it's so simple, really!)

Today is a new day, a fresh start, an opportunity to love well, be fully present, make an impact, and invest in others.

You don’t have to scale mountains, win awards, make a viral video, or save a life in order to use today well. Just do the next right thing.

Whatever that next right thing is.

Focus fully on it. Give it your all. And finish it. Then, do the next right thing.

Repeat this all day long. That’s how you use your days well.

Don’t think about what you’re not doing. Don’t stress over what you think you probably should be doing. Don’t beat yourself up over what she’s doing that you’re not doing.

Just do the next right thing. And the next right thing. And the next right thing.

That’s the secret to a life well-lived. It’s also the secret to a lot less stress, a lot less time wasted worrying, and a lot more peace and joy.


21 Days to a More Disciplined Life


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