Sunday, January 24, 2016

5 Things I'm Loving This Week (the "EPIC" snowstorm edition!) and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
5 Things I'm Loving This Week (the "EPIC" snowstorm edition!)
Live Your Life on Purpose - free printable adult coloring page!



:: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week (the "EPIC" snowstorm edition!)

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

I didn't get a 5 Things I'm Loving post up last week because I chose to go to bed early instead of stay up and write a post (priorities, eh?). That means I have lots of things to share this week! In fact, I had trouble narrowing the list down to just five things!
5 Things I'm Loving This Week

After some thought, here's my list of some of my favorite things right now - what I'm thankful for, stuff I'm loving, things that are making me happy, etc.:

1. Our New Fire Pit

I've long wanted one for our patio and was SO excited when Jess surprised me with it. It may be a little cold to roast marshmallows right now, but that didn't deter us from using it before the freezing temperatures and snow came.

Sitting out by the fire is a the perfect end to a quiet and relaxing day of rest. I think it's especially appropriate for this Year of Rest as it will encourage me to slow down and savor time with the family more.
5 Things I'm Loving This Week

2. An Amazing Grocery Deal

This is for sure our best grocery deal scored so far in 2016! I thought maybe the zero was supposed to be another number, but they had a whole stack of them at this price!!

I love me some Kroger markdowns!

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

3. My Book is in Target & Costco!!!

I never, ever thought I'd have a book in Target. In fact, just a few months ago, someone asked me if my new book would be in Target and I said, "No, I doubt I'll ever have a book in Target. I just don't sell the thousands and thousands of copies required for them to consider it."

And I was content with that. Truly content. I'm just honored to actually have 3 published books - something I would have never dreamed would be the case 10 years ago!

But then, not a week after that conversation, I got an email from my publisher saying that TARGET HAD PICKED UP MY BOOK and would carry it in January!!!!!

So yes, Silas' face here is pretty much how I feel about this. Surprised. Thrilled. Humbled. Overwhelmed. Overjoyed.

And mostly just grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to write words. Grateful for the privilege of getting to share those words with the world. Grateful for the faith my publisher has placed in me. Grateful for my loyal and amazing readers who have believed in me and in this book.

Grateful that God does abundantly above all we could ever dream or hope or imagine. Grateful that He uses broken vessels for His glory.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Then, this week, Costco started carrying my book. And all week long, people have been posting and emailing me to tell me they saw my book in Costco. A number of people even sent me pictures to prove it, as shown above! :)

I'm reminded once again how blessed I am. How amazingly blessed I am. That people take the time to care about me, to cheerlead for me, and to celebrate with me.

In a world filled with so much competition and comparison, this is a gift I don't take lightly. And it inspires me over and over again to look for ways to care more, cheerlead more, and celebrate others more.

Life is so much more meaningful and rich when we choose celebrating and cheering with others instead of competing and comparing ourselves with others.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

4. SNOW!!!

Color me surprised… We woke up to this on Saturday. Yes, even though we weren't so sure of it ever since moving here from Kansas, it is really possible for the Nashville area to get more than a dusting of snow!

However, they are saying that this is the worst snowstorm they've had in 13 years… So this is pretty EPIC for this area!

5 Things I'm Loving THis Week

Apparently, everyone in our area decided that stocking up on meat was more important than stocking up on bread and milk before the snowstorm, as evidenced by this picture my husband took at the grocery store on Saturday evening!!

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

5. Our New Morning Routine

At the beginning of this year, one of the big commitments Jesse and I made together was to put forth a lot of effort and intention into getting on a great morning routine. We came up with a simple routine, we made some changes in what we did before bed and when we got up to set ourselves up for success, and then we just dove in.

Even though the first few days were hard, I'm so glad we stuck with it as it's made such a difference in our days. One of the best times has been starting our mornings by sitting down to breakfast as a family and studying God's Word together after everyone is dressed and ready for the day. This has been such a sweet time and such a great beginning to our homeschool day!
5 Things I'm Loving This Week

Bonus: This quote - I read this on an "off" day this past week and it made me laugh. It was just what I needed that day. And I thought maybe some of you might need the laugh, too.

What are YOU loving right now? Tell us in the comments.

:: Live Your Life on Purpose - free printable adult coloring page!

I'm SO excited about this!! Lisa over at CreativLei asked me if I had a quote she could turn into a printable quote/adult coloring page.

And if you know me well, you know that I am ALL. OVER. THAT!

Here's the gorgeous page she created…

Life Your Life on Purpose -- free printable adult coloring page

I printed it out immediately and am excited to color it while watching the U.S. Figure Skating Championships with Kaitlynn on TV later today!

To get your free coloring page, just go to her post here and fill out the form to download it. Please note: I had trouble getting the form to work. If you have any trouble, you can leave your email address on her post or contact Lisa through her contact form on her site.

P.S. Lisa has an amazing series called 31 Days to Love Your Lettering. If you're interested in handlettering, go check it out!

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

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