Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How I Find Time to Listen to Podcasts & Scopes and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
How I Find Time to Listen to Podcasts & Scopes
How to Prevent "Budget Meltdowns"



:: How I Find Time to Listen to Podcasts & Scopes

How to Find Time to Listen to Podcasts & Periscopes

After posting about my 4 favorite podcasts to listen to and my 4 favorite scopers to follow, many of you have asked me when I find time to listen to podcasts and scopes.

First, here are two things that help me not have information overload:

1. Only subscribe to your absolute favorites. 

There is SO much great information out there, but you can't consume it all. Don't feel like you have to even try! Just subscribe to your absolute favorites and don't worry about what else you might be missing out on.

Not all podcasts and periscopes are for everyone. Find what feeds you, find what inspires you, find what you love and enjoy and stick with those - even if it's different than what

2. Only listen to topics that interest you.

I stick to listening to podcasts and periscopes on topics I find inspiring or that I'm interested in learning more about. This changes from time to time and that's okay.

Focus on the information you need right now for where you are. If I find that a podcast or periscope is making me feel like I need to add a bunch of extra to-do's to my list, I usually take that as a sign that I need to stop listening.

How to Find Time to Listen to Podcasts & Periscopes
Here are some simple and practical ways I find time to listen to podcasts and scopes each day:

  • Listen while you're getting ready in the morning. I usually always listen to something while getting ready (showering/blow drying my hair/putting on makeup, etc.) each morning.
  • Listen while you're working out. When I'm exercising, my brain seems to come alive. It's a great time to stimulate it!
  • Listen while you're cleaning. I have started to love cleaning, because I get to listen to podcasts and watch scopes while I'm doing it!
  • Listen while you're doing simple tasks online. If I'm doing something that doesn't require a lot of brain space - like scheduling posts on Facebook or pinning pins - I can listen while working.
  • Listen while you're driving. I often sit my phone in the seat next to me and listen while I drive.
  • Listen while you're doing handwork. I love adult coloring books, knitting, and embroidery. It's so relaxing to turn on something to fill my mind and feed my soul while I do these things that make me happy and relaxed.
  • Listen while you're going to sleep. This is one that wouldn't work for everyone. I feel like it's better to go to bed quietly and not stimulate your mind. However, if I have trouble going to sleep because my mind is racing, I'll often listen to a podcast that will relax me or shut my brain off so that I can fall asleep.

How do you find ways to listen to/watch podcasts and scopes throughout the day? I'd love to hear!

:: How to Prevent "Budget Meltdowns"

budget meltdowns

Guest post from Kelly of Kelly Cox At Home:

Have you ever felt tired (exhausted?!) with your budgeting efforts? Me too!

Have you ever had an absolute "Budget Meltdown?" Sigh…yeah, me too.

However, I want to remind you that budgets ROCK and are your friend! A budget is simply a written plan to will help you achieve your financial goals and to be a good steward of your family's resources. Don't throw in the towel on budgeting too soon!

Here are a few tips to help anticipate, and perhaps conquer, that occasional "budget meltdown" before it derails your efforts.

Have Accountability

Budgeting can be tedious… and a little accountability goes a long way.

Find someone to help talk and pray you through your budget journey. If you are married, then try to budget as a couple. If you are not married then consider a family member or friend to help you be accountable for your decisions.

No need to share all your financial information but rather, just have someone to chat with if you begin to waiver. We all need encouragement, and accountability will help us stick to our budget.

Set Attainable Goals

Set goals that stretch you but are still attainable.

If your goal is not reasonable, you'll often feel disheartened or overwhelmed. Personally, my husband and I need a clearly-defined goal with a potential date or timeframe to work toward. Our budget gives us vision and sets expectations.

For example, we are in the process of adopting a baby (YAY!) and plan to do this debt free. While this is a lofty goal, we have a clear, written plan to pull this off (with the Lord's help)!

Set goals that are reachable and then celebrate as you pull them off.

Tackle Debt

Debt is restrictive and can be difficult to conquer; however, a budget helps you to both plan and then track your success.

According to Dave Ramsey, a budget tells your money where to go. I encourage you to write down all that you owe and then decide what you can afford to put toward debt each month. "You eat an elephant one bite at a time", as the saying goes.

Paying down debt is not fun; however, it's worth the effort to gain financial freedom, no matter how long it takes.

Stay the Course

Often, my husband and I feel tired of saving toward our goals. Our budget keeps us on track when we get complacent or unmotivated.

I remind myself that saving for our goal will last only for a season, it is worth the wait and that patience is a virtue. In other words, stay the course, be patient and work heartily toward your goal because it is worth seeing it through to completion.

Budgeting is essential in our home, despite the occasional frustration AKA "budget meltdowns". We budget as a couple and believe that a written plan helps to run our home more smoothly and debt free.

Don't give up on your budget, but rather stay the course and be blessed as you see the fruits of your labor.

Kelly is a Christ follower, blessed wife, mom to be and a lover of all things home. She blogs at Kelly Cox At Home about her journey at home and passion for debt-free living. She hopes to encourage others in that goal, while sharing tips on how to manage and enjoy all things that make up HOME!

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21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

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