Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Free 3-Part Planning Workshop and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Free 3-Part Planning Workshop
30 Ideas for Family Giving & Service Projects
Make-Ahead and Freeze Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Free Holiday Food Prep Timeline and Checklist Printable
How Do I Decide Which Business Idea is Right for Me?
10 Goals For This Week
Join Stacy's Periscope Book Club for Money-Making Mom!


:: Free 3-Part Planning Workshop

Free 3-Part Planning Workshop

Sign up for a free 3-part planning workshop that will help you determine whether a paper or digital planner is best for you.

:: 30 Ideas for Family Giving & Service Projects

30 Service and Random Acts of Kindness Projects for Families

Are you looking for ways to give and serve together as a family this Thanksgiving season? If so, check out these 30 ideas for family giving and service projects. You can also download a free printable list and goal sheet.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Make-Ahead and Freeze Thanksgiving Side Dishes

Make-Ahead and Freeze Thanksgiving Side Dishes

If you want to simplify your Thanksgiving meal prep this year, check out these great make-ahead and freeze Thanksgiving side dishes.

:: Free Holiday Food Prep Timeline and Checklist Printable

Getting Ahead for the Holidays Printable

Download this free Holiday food prep timeline and checklist printable to help you get ahead for the Holidays.

:: How Do I Decide Which Business Idea is Right for Me?

Starting a business

"My mind is buzzing with online income ideas. How do I quiet the info overload and focus, so that I can just start already?!" -a reader from Twitter

This is such a great question! When you have SO many business ideas, it can be very difficult to figure out which one to settle on. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before starting a business:

1. How much time to do you have to invest?

Running a business is going to take a lot of time, especially if you want to be successful! Look at your calendar, and figure out how many time blocks you have throughout the week to dedicate to running a business.

You can choose how much time you invest in your business, but you'll also need to choose a business based on how much time you truly have. (For example, if you only have a couple hours each week, you won't want to choose a business that will immediately require your attention all day every day.)

Find time blocks in your calendar and make an appointment with yourself during those time blocks to use them to focus on building your business. Maybe it's a 15-minute block each day, an hour a few times per week, or maybe it's a few hours each Saturday afternoon. Whatever it is, commit to put that time aside to invest in your business.

Starting a Business

2. How much money do you have to invest?

Don't go into debt to start a business. Starting a business requires taking some risk, but you can set yourself up for a lot of financial struggle longterm if you bank on the future and take out loans to funds to your business venture.

I am a big believer with starting out small, starting with what you have and where you are, and working up from there. If you sign up for my FREE How To Make A Full-Time Income From Home 5-day course, you will learn about my first business idea (and how it failed).

We invested $2,000 in that initial business idea to get a computer, office equipment, and a website design. Since then, we have never invested any personal money into any online business we've had. We've just took the money from that initial investment, and then grew that to start another business, and then grew that again and so on. It's amazing to see how that money grew over time!

Don't feel like what you have won't be enough. Just start somewhere - even if it's very small.

You Were Created to Make a Difference

3. How much passion do you have?

You have to have an enormous amount of passion if you want to be successful at a business. If it's just a subject that you might be interested in, or it might be a good idea, or it might work…it's not the right idea.

You need to be able to feel like you can talk about this until you're blue in the face. This idea should make you come alive. It should be something you've been excited about for a very long time.

Once you've asked yourself these questions, take all of the business ideas that you come up with. Pick one idea and run with it.

Don't stress so much about picking the perfect idea. More than likely, your first idea will not be the one that is successful and that you stick with. I know this is difficult to hear, but it's the truth. I went through SO many blogs and business ideas before landing on MoneySavingMom.com.

Once you have your business idea, figure out how much time you have to invest and start making goals based off of that. Break your goals into bite-sized pieces that you can work on during dedicated blocks of scheduled appointments with yourself.

Quieting the Noise In Your Head

As far as quieting the noise in your head, this might be a good indicator that it's time to take a break from collecting information and start focusing on what you know you're supposed to do. Sometimes you have to turn off the information overload that is leading to paralysis by shutting down the podcasts, periscopes, and videos.

Start working on the goals you already have, rather than becoming overwhelmed with all the things you feel you should be doing. It is so easy to stretch yourself too thin, and it's not worth it.

It is better to set those small goals and chip away little by little over time. Moving forward - even at a microscopic rate - is still better than doing nothing at all!

What advice do the rest of you have for this reader? Let us know in the comments.

photo credit

:: 10 Goals For This Week

10 Goals For This Week

My good friend, Tam, turned 45 last week. That was reason for us to celebrate. And for me to post this picture of both of us on Instagram. I still cannot believe that she's 45. She doesn't look it at all!

10 Goals For This Week

Also, I bought and wore a flannel shirt last week. Considering I can't remember ever, ever wearing flannel before, this was sort of a big deal. :)

Here are my 10 simple goals from last week:

Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals

1. Write a love note to Jesse.

2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.

3. Spend quality one-on-one time with each of the kids.

Personal Goals

4. Keep working on the boot cuffs I'm knitting.

5. Finish reading Just Show Up.

6. Make sleep a priority.

7. Start new weight-lifting program.

Business Goals

8. Don't check email until after 12:30 p.m. every day. (I didn't do this perfectly, but I'm doing SO, SO much better on not letting email overwhelm me and spill into so many other parts of my life.)

9. Get at least 3 content pieces ready for next week .

10. Do a Money-Making Mom scope each afternoon at 3 p.m. (Are you joining us for this? If not, you can download the Periscope app and search for my name or @MoneySavingMom to join in live. Or, you can watch the replays on Katch.me/MoneySavingMom - well, I didn't get to this every day last week, but I did get a few Money-Making Mom scopes done. You can view them here, if you're interested.)

Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals

1. Write a love note to Jesse.

2. Have an at-home Movie Date with Jesse.

3. Spend quality one-on-one time with each of the kids.

Personal Goals

4. Get my hair cut/re-highlighted.

5. Finish reading one book.

6. Continue on with new weight-lifting program.

Business Goals

7. Work on getting a better Periscope page/call-to-action plan in place.

8. Don't check email until after 12:30 p.m. every day.

9. Get at least 3 content pieces ready for next week .

10. Launch our Choose Love Journals and Bracelets!!!! (Stay tuned for more details and a super-special launch sale!)

How did you do on last week's goals? What are your goals for this week? I'd love to have you share your progress on last week's goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you've blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let's cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.

:: Join Stacy's Periscope Book Club for Money-Making Mom!

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I am honored that Stacy over at Stacy Makes Cents is currently going through my new Money-Making Mom book with her followers on Periscope!

They just started with Chapter 1 today, and they will be doing a chapter per day until the book is finished. The scopes are live at 12:30 pm CT each day.

If you need a group to go through the book with - or just some encouragement to stay on track with your reading - be sure to check out Stacy's daily Periscope! (And if you miss her scopes, you can catch them on her Katch account.)

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