Sunday, February 9, 2020

Life Update: Pregnancy update (28 weeks) + Camp No Boys Allowed

28 weeks! Third trimester, baby!!!! Highlights This week I felt quite a bit better than last week — and I had a good week last week so that was unexpected to have an even better week this week!! Last week, mentioned having a lot of pelvic pressure. To ...

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Life Update: Pregnancy update (28 weeks) + Camp No Boys Allowed

28 weeks! Third trimester, baby!!!!


This week I felt quite a bit better than last week — and I had a good week last week so that was unexpected to have an even better week this week!!

Last week, mentioned having a lot of pelvic pressure. To my big surprise, the pressure was almost non-existent this week — I think maybe the baby moved up some + I sat on the exercise ball a lot and went to the chiropractor??

I still can’t believe I’m 28 weeks pregnant and feeling as great as I am!


I had my last monthly appointment with my OB. Now, I’m moving to every 2 weeks until I get to 36 weeks and then it will be every week until the baby arrives!! My appointment went great and I’m measuring right on track.

The weeks are still going by quickly and I’m so grateful! Some days, I do miss the pregnancies when my kids were little and I could spend a lot more time resting because our life was much quieter.

But most days, I’m so grateful to be in this season with multiple activities every day and people coming in and out of our house + full-time work I love so much, so many opportunities to pour into people, hang out with friends, & be involved in our church.


My appetite has picked up even more again — it feels like baby is going through a growth spurt! Since all of the third trimester is a growth spurt, this might be par for the course for the next number of weeks… until I completely run out of room for my stomach.

Weight gain: 20 lbs.

Kaitlynn and I spent Friday night through Sunday afternoon at our church’s girls’ youth group camp called Camp No Boys Allowed. (I co-lead one of the 8th grade girls’ groups.)

We spent the weekend laughing, having deep conversations, listening to messages, more late-night talking, eating too much junk food, a Silent Disco Night, a Musical competition, and lots of games.

I came home tired, but so, so happy I get the honor of helping to lead and pour into these girls. I love them and their hearts and their personalities so much!

They performed a song from The Sound of Music for the competition. Aren’t they beautiful??! Their hearts are even more beautiful!