Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Peek Into Our Life This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly post where we take a break from money-related posts and I give you a little peek into our life from the past week and also share things I'm pondering/learning. Earlier this week, two of my kids […]

Intentional finance. Intentional family. Intentional business.

Here's what's new:

A Peek Into Our Life This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly post where we take a break from money-related posts and I give you a little peek into our life from the past week and also share things I'm pondering/learning.

Earlier this week, two of my kids were upset with me.

I had made a decision that one of them didn't like. And I had sat the other one down to have a conversation that they didn't want to have.

They both expressed their frustration with me in ways that really surprised me: "I feel like you're shutting down my voice!" And, "I feel like I'm trying so hard and you're still disappointed with me!"

Part of me that felt like a big fat mothering failure when they told me these things. But the other part of me felt so grateful.

Yes, I said grateful. Why?

Because this past year, we've worked hard to really communicate well with our kids and to teach them how to express their feelings and to have a voice.

I don't want them to stuff things down or feel like they can't tell me when they feel like I'm messing up or when they are hurt by me or upset with me. I want to know — even if it stings bad.

Because they were brave enough to be honest, it opened the door for us to have really great conversations, for me to apologize for where I'd approached things incorrectly, for me to get a peek into their hearts, and for us to have resolution and restoration in our relationship.

Don't run from the hard and awkward and hurtful discussions with your kids. They can be some of the best discussions, if you're willing to stay, process, hear their hearts (even when their words might come across as hurtful), and ask forgiveness for where you've messed up.

This picture from earlier this week makes me smile so big.

Kaitlynn hot-gluing. Crafts spread out. The coffee table moved over to make space for Silas and Kathrynne to work on math together. A random pumpkin.

This is real life. This is my life. And I want to embrace it.


I was trying to do an informal "photo shoot" of the girls wearing these sweatshirts we just launched with Cents of Style (see above.) It quickly turned into teasing and full-on uncontrollable belly laughs.

I love these girls. I love how they love life. I love how they keep me on my toes. I love how they never let me take life too seriously. And while there are many moments when they don't get along, I love it that there are many moments like this when they just can't get enough of each other!

I made these Sweet Potato Fries this week and I just have to say that if you haven’t tried them, you must!

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