Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Jamerrill's First Aldi Grocery Shopping Trip and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
Jamerrill's First Aldi Grocery Shopping Trip
Whole 30 Weekly Meal Plan
5 Things I'm Loving This Week (+ my brand-new live show on Periscope!)
10 Goals For This Week (yes, I'm *finally* back to goal-setting again!)
5 Things We're Not Buying (While We Get Out of Debt)
Why Grocery Shopping More Often is Saving Me Money
8 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas

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:: Jamerrill's First Aldi Grocery Shopping Trip


If you have a large family or if you are thinking about checking out Aldi and haven't done so yet, you'll for sure want to read Jamerrill's detailed post and watch her video on her First Aldi Grocery Shopping Trip.

:: Whole 30 Weekly Meal Plan


Need some ideas for menu-planning while doing the Whole 30? Check out Jessica's Whole 30 Weekly Plan.


:: 5 Things I'm Loving This Week (+ my brand-new live show on Periscope!)

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

I had this post halfway written on Saturday night and then, when we came back to the hotel from my speaking engagement in San Diego, I was so plain tired that I went to bed before I got it finished and posted. :)

But here are 5 things I loved last week:

1. Socks for Just $0.33 at Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree had 3-packs of socks for just $1 per pack! All of my kids needed socks, so it was a sock deal SCORE! They weren't the highest quality socks ever, but at $0.33 per pair, I can't complain - especially since they usually mostly wear socks for play and sports anyway.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

2. West Wing

I rarely watch TV (unless it's politics or the Olympics or sports with my guys), but I do love me a good movie or show. So, my husband and I had been trying to find a show that we both could get into and enjoy… but that's hard because we're so picky.

We like depth and character development. We don't like fluffy fluff. We're not into cheesy drama stuff. And we're super picky about what we watch.

So yeah, finding a good show is pretty near impossible. But Jesse suggested maybe we try West Wing since we're both political junkies.

The first season was slow, but we loved the character development. We're now in season two and loving it more and more all the time.

It's a fun way for us to hang out together and have an at-home "Movie Date" after our kids go to bed.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

3. Periscope

Okay, so the truth is that I poo-poo'd Periscope for a few months. It just seemed kind of pointless to me as all I saw were people posting videos of their backyard or "here's a video of the rain outside" or "see this video of the beach at the resort I'm at".

I just wasn't seeing the value in this new social media platform and never thought I'd do anything with it.  However, I've been listening to Chalene Johnson's podcasts recently and she kept recommending it over and over again.

She convinced me to give it another look, and I'm so glad that I did. I discovered some bloggers and business professionals who were sharing some pretty cool and inspiring scopes.

The wheels started turning in my head. I kept watching scopes, kept investigating what was working for people, and started to consider if I should jump into the fray.

It took me two weeks of research, watching many scopes, talking to numerous people, and brainstorming with my husband and team, but I jumped in with both feet this morning and recorded my first ever Periscope this morning… and people actually showed up and participated!! I am quickly falling in love with Periscope and am enjoying tuning into a few quick broadcasts each day, too.

Psst! My New Morning Motivation Periscope Show!

I'm planning to do a short Morning Motivation video every weekday morning around 6:30 to 7 a.m. CT. on Periscope. You can tune in live and ask questions/participate with other readers in the comments. Or, you can watch the replay any time over the next 24 hours.

{If you're not on Periscope yet, you can search for the app, download it, and then search for me (@MoneySavingMom) and follow me. You can choose to be notified every time I go live so that you can jump on and join in.}

Also you don't need to do anything on Periscope or keep up another social media network. Just tune in or watch the replays. That's one reason I love Periscope - because it's simple and straightforward for people and doesn't require any participation, unless you choose to participate. Best of all, there's almost nothing to learn in order to be able to tune in - unlike social media networks like Facebook or Twitter!

4. This Article on How to Help When Someone Is In Need

This was an amazing article. Such a great reminder!

LOVE DOES things. Love doesn't just think about doing things. Love actually does things.

Read the rest of the article here.

5 Things I'm Loving This Week

5. Aldi Flowers

I'm such a fan of Aldi flowers. When we needed to buy some flowers for the filming at our house last week, Jesse picked up four bouquets for just $4 each! So we got all of these flowers pictured for $16 total!

What are YOU loving right now?

:: 10 Goals For This Week (yes, I'm *finally* back to goal-setting again!)

10 Goals For This Week

All mic'd up and ready to take the stage Saturday night at the San Diego event. While waiting, Kaitlynn tried to get a selfie with me. And well, it soon turned into a Silly Selfie Fest. I have no idea where my kids get their spunk and personality from.

So, um, yeah. I kinda fell off the goal-setting wagon.

It was a little bit intentional (I was on a blogging break, after all) and it was a little unintentional (summer was just full to the brim with lots of travel and projects and fun!).

But, never fear, I'm back in the saddle again and ready to get this show on the road!

So without further ado, here are my 10 goals for this week:

Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals

1. Start our fall homeschool schedule.

2. Finish reading one read aloud book with the kids.

3. Write a love note to Jesse.

4. Write thank you letters with the kids.

Personal Goals

5. Exercise at least 5 times.

6. Finish at least two books.

Ministry/Hospitality/Friendship Goals

7. Host friends from out of town for a little Blogging Retreat this weekend (yay!!)

8. Write notes to the Compassion children we sponsor.

Business Goals

9. Write an article for an upcoming piece in a magazine.

10. Get everything ready for our big Make Over Your Mornings sale next week (stay tuned for details!)

What are your goals for this week? I'd love to have you share your progress on last week's goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you've blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let's cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.

:: 5 Things We're Not Buying (While We Get Out of Debt)


The following is a guest post by Renee of Tune My Heart Blog

Sometimes I'll jokingly say to my husband, "when we're out of debt, I would like to buy __________."

Then we both say, "womp womp," because it's not really a joke. There are a lot of fun, extra, optional things we aren't buying right now while we pay down student loans.

1. Books, Music, Movies & TV

The hubs and I like all of these things. If we weren't giving gobs of our money to Auntie Sallie Mae, we'd load up our kindle accounts, buy new music, go to movie theaters, and watch cable.

Right now, however, we use the library or borrow books from family and friends. We listen to music we already own, YouTube channel playlists, google play radio with ads, or free podcasts.

2. Eating Out

We almost never eat out. There is no I'm-too-tired-to-cook-let's-get-pizza card anymore.

For lazy nights, it's PB and J, pancakes, rice and beans, or something that requires a similar level of energy. And yes, I said rice and beans. All 3 of my family members love rice and beans. I barely tolerate them.

3. Clothes

My husband and I each have a small amount of "pocket money," or "blow money" every month. The only new clothes we buy right now come out of this category. Whether it's a clothing necessity [underwear], or fun purchase [vacation outfit], it always comes out of our individual pocket money.

As someone who used to shop whenever I wanted, this is a big change. The silver lining is that it now feels like a treat (rather than an entitlement) if I do spend my monthly pocket money on a fun clothing item.

4. Random Kid Stuff

Toys, games, puzzles, clothes, whatever. We don't buy it. Any fun treats for the kids come out of individual pocket money or Swagbucks.

We also have a very small monthly kid budget ($10) that somehow has lasted us through all the kid necessities.

Our kids have very generous friends and relatives who keep them in style and get them fun toys. Plus we love sharing hand-me-downs and toy-swapping with friends.

If the kids do need something boring like new socks, shoes, or undies, the $10 budgeted amount rolls over each month and ends up covering it.

5. Home Improvements

We rent right now, so we are not responsible for the major necessary home fixes (water heaters, air conditioners, plumbing, etc.)

It was really hard for me mathematically to justify "wasting" the money to rent when we could pay the same amount monthly toward ownership. But the thing is, it's not the same.

Any homeowner will tell you there are always extra expenses to owning a home. The cost of renting is 100% fixed. Not to mention, we didn't have the 20% down payment so we would have added PMI.

I'm not saying you need to sell your house in order to get out out of debt. Often that's not a good idea. But trying to buy a home for the first time with a pile of debt can be stressful. Renting has kept our costs and stress minimal. Plus, I put no pressure on myself to decorate or have a nice home.

I love home decorating, but since our current home is relatively short-term, it's easier for me to not decorate or paint or fix things up. The goal is to get financially free and get out of here, not make it so beautiful that we don't want to leave. :)

These are just 5 of our "off-limits" purchases. I'd love to know what you do to find extra money in your budget!

Renee is a former music teacher turned stay-at-home mom blogger. She loves Jesus,  people & coffee. She writes on Tune My Heart Blog about babies, budgeting, grace and everything in between.

:: Why Grocery Shopping More Often is Saving Me Money

Why Grocery Shopping More Often is Saving Me Money

Saving You Dinero has an interesting post up about how she's saving money by going to the grocery store multiple times per week and only buying exactly what she needs for the next few days.

While this may not work for your family (I like to simplify things by fewer trips to the store!), I love her outside-the-usual-frugal-advice-box ideas!

Read her post here.

:: 8 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas

8 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas

Head on over to Lynn's Kitchen Adventures for 8 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas… perfect for busy mornings!

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