Friday, May 29, 2015

How to Get Free Products In Exchange for an Amazon Review and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New
How to Get Free Products In Exchange for an Amazon Review
Brigette's $54 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan
Coming next week: A very, very special something that we've been working on for months…
10 Easy Ways to Save on Baby Stuff at Target


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:: How to Get Free Products In Exchange for an Amazon Review

free products

Kelly emailed in the following tip:

I recently discovered something I think others should know about…

There are several FREE groups you can be a part of that allow you to buy products on Amazon for free or highly discounted as long as you leave an honest review on Amazon in return. This works best for prime members, otherwise you may have to pay for shipping. I have received several amazing beauty products and kitchen products for free or nearly free!

My favorite groups are:

You can also sign up for emails at & and they will send you opportunities to try their full size beauty products in exchange for an honest reviews.

:: Brigette's $54 Grocery Shopping Trip and Weekly Menu Plan

Brigette's Shopping Trip


(I didn't buy as much at Aldi this week since we still have a lot of leftover produce from last week that needs to be used up.)

1 16-oz bag Mini Sweet Peppers - $2.29

2 16-oz bags Baby Carrots - $1.98

1 6-oz can Tomato Paste - $0.39

1 8-oz carton Heavy Whipping Cream - $1.89

1 32-oz tub Nonfat Greek Yogurt - $3.69

2 16-oz pkgs Ground Turkey (which ended up in the wrong picture :)) - $3.78

1 head Cauliflower - $1.99

1 20-oz box Raisin Bran - $1.79

1 Dijon Mustard - $0.79

2 16-oz cartons Egg Whites - $3.98

2 18-oz boxes Corn Flakes - $2.98

1 15.3 box Honey Wheat Puffs - $1.79

2 3-ct pkgs Romaine Hearts - $3.98, plus receive $0.25 back from Checkout 51 - $3.73 after rebate

Total after Rebate: $30.07

Brigette's Shopping Trip

Harris Teeter

2 dozen Eggs - $2.50, plus receive $0.30 back from Ibotta - $2.20/2 after rebate

1 24-ct box Lipton Iced Tea Bags - $1.49, used $0.75/1 Lipton Tea Bags, K-Cup, Tea & Honey or Iced Tea Mix, exp. 6/14/15 (RP 05/17/15 R) (doubled), plus $0.40/1 Harris Teeter evic - $0.40MM after coupons

1 40-ct box Tetley Tea - $1.59, used $1/1 coupon (this was an insert coupon, although I can't find it in the database for some reason), plus $0.75/1 Harris Teeter evic - $0.16MM after coupons

2 boxes Cookie Crisp - $4.00, used 2 $0.75/1 printable (doubled), plus receive $0.75 back from SavingStar and $0.30 from Ibotta - $0.05MM after coupons and rebates

2 12.25-oz jars Smuckers Ice Cream Topping - $4.00, used 2 $0.55/1 printable (doubled) - $1.80/2 after coupons

4 64-oz cartons Silk (2 Almond, 2 Cashew) - $10.00 (must buy 4 to get this price), used 2 $0.75/1 Silk Half Gallon, exp. 6/30/15 (RP 05/17/15 #2) (doubled), plus 2 $0.75/1 printable (doubled) - $4.00/4 after coupons

2 6-ct pkgs Cobblestone Bagels - $3.98, used 2 $0.55/1 printable (doubled) - $1.78/2 after coupons

2 8-oz pkgs Kraft Shredded Cheese - $3.65, used $1/2 Kraft Natural Cheese, exp. 6/10/15 (RP 05/10/15 R) - $2.65/2 after coupon

1 5.5-oz bag RiceWorks - $1.49, used $1/1 Riceworks Gourmet Rice Snacks, exp. 6/20/15 (SS 05/10/15 R) - $0.49 after coupon

2 8-ct pkgs Gwaltney Hotdogs - $1.94, used $0.75/2 Gwaltney Hot Dogs, exp. 6/20/15 (SS 05/10/15 R) (doubled) - $0.44/2 after coupon

1 1-lb bag Lemons - $0.99

1 gallon Milk - $2.99, plus receive $0.30 back from Ibotta - $2.69 after rebate

Total after all Coupons and Rebates: $16.43

Brigette's Shopping Trip

Farm Market

1 huge box of Zucchini, reduced - $5.00

1 large bunch of Rhubarb, reduced - $2.99

Total: $7.99

Weekly Total: $54.49

Weekly Menu Plan


Zucchini bread, Oranges x 2

Toasted Cinnamon Raisin Bagels, Hard Boiled Eggs

Oatmeal and Strawberries (from the freezer) x 2

Cereal x 2


Baked Zucchini Fries, Apples, Sliced Cheese

Baked Potato Bar (Cottage Cheese, Shredded Cheese, Butter), Sautéed Zucchini

Pick-Me-Up Smoothies, Raw Veggies, Easy Whole Wheat Bread

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches on Easy Whole Wheat Bread, Watermelon (we are still working on eating up the watermelon I bought last week), Carrot Sticks

Veggie Omelettes, Oranges, Easy Whole Wheat Bread

Leftovers x 2


Fried Egg/Cheese Bagel Sandwiches (meatless meal), Orange Smoothies, Steamed Broccoli

Three Cheese Baked Spaghetti (I had this on my menu last week, but ended up not making it), Roasted Cauliflower, Tossed Salad, Homemade Garlic Bread

Baked Chicken and Zucchini, Brown Rice, Orange Slices, Rhubarb Crisp

Chicken Gravy over Homemade Biscuits, Green Beans, Watermelon

Build-Your-Own-Burritos (using homemade tortillas), Tossed Salad, Fruit

Leftovers x 2


Zucchini Bread, Rhubarb Crisp, Frozen Grapes, Raw Veggies and Ranch Dressing, Easy Peasy Chocolate Torte (bringing this to the reception after my children's piano recital)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

:: Coming next week: A very, very special something that we've been working on for months…

Make Over Your Mornings Course

For years, people have asked me how I am able to do everything I do: have a strong marriage, homeschool three kids, maintain close friendships, read avidly, stick to a budget, keep a clean and clutter-free house, run a very successful online business, write books, and speak at events around the country.

The truth is, I don't do it perfectly (at all!), but my secret to doing multiple things while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having time to spend doing things I love is that since the time I was 11 years old, I've committed to get up and be intentional about how I spend the first two hours of my day.

It's a simple thing, but I've found that using my morning hours well, sets up my whole day for success.

I get more done.

I have more energy.

And I have more breathing room in my life.

Because people are constantly asking me for more details on my morning routine and how I accomplish all I do, I've long had a dream of creating an online course with step-by-step help, doable projects, personal stories, inspiring encouragement to help you get into the habit of using your mornings well.

Make Over Your Mornings Course

For many months, this idea was just a dream. But in November of 2014, that dream started to grow legs and become more of a reality. Our team began brainstorming, praying, researching, writing, editing, tweaking, and brainstorming some more.

In March, we had a few days of intense filming for the course. And then we spent more time tweaking, editing, cutting, re-working, and polishing things up.

I've never invested so much $$ or time into any project as far as I can remember. But it was worth it, because the finished product is amazing. Truly. I've never been more excited about something we've put together.

Introducing the Make Over Your Mornings Course

And today, I'm thrilled to get to introduce you to the Make Over Your Mornings Course - a 14-day online course that includes videos, a workbook, and step-by-step projects.

This 14-day course is designed to help you revolutionize your productivity, streamline your routines, invest your time in things that truly matter, and find more joy and peace in the process.

If you've ever wished that you could figure out how to get more done, have more organization in your life, and find time to spend on things you love, the Make Over Your Mornings Course is for you.

It's not about following a one-size-fits-all system (because every woman and family is different!), but about creating a morning that is in line with your life, your strengths, your family's needs, and your unique situation.

14-Day Online Course

You Won't Want to Miss Our Launch Sale on Tuesday

I'll be sharing more about the course and unveiling the site with all of the details on Monday, but for now, I wanted to let you know that it is coming and also to give you the heads up about our low-low-low launch day special prices we'll be offering.

In all honesty, knowing how much we invested in this course, my team wanted to charge more for the course. And I know we could. But I am very committed to making this course affordable and accessible for every woman - not just those who have a lot of wiggle room in their budgets to invest in online courses.

So, the course - including all the videos, the workbook, and the projects - will regularly retail for just $17. However, because I wanted to do something really special on launch day, we're going to kick off this course with the following special prices - some of these are the lowest prices you will ever see on this course. Period. So get 'em while you can!

The Crazy-Can't-Miss-Low-Low-Low Launch Sale Prices:

  • 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. ET on June 2, 2015 - just $5!!! {This is worth getting up early for!}
  • 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. - just $7!
  • 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. - only $10!
  • 5 p.m. - 12 a.m. - only $13!

Make Over Your Mornings

25% Of All Sales on Tuesday Go to South Africa

You all know that when I visited South Africa in January, I left part of my heart there. But I also came back so stoked because I realized that we could use opportunities like this Make Over Your Mornings course launch to make a huge impact in the poorest communities there.

So here's the deal: the greatest needs right now are for a two-classroom facility and two Enviro-Loo toilets at the Reagoboka Centre (read more about our visit there here). The cost of both of these combined is $14,000.

On Tuesday (June 2, 2015), when we launch this course and offer a crazy, once-in-a-lifetime deal, we will be donating 25% of ALL direct purchases from our site to the the ministry in South Africa.

And since I'm a big, big dreamer, I am praying that on Tuesday, with the sales through our site, we'll raise $14,000 for South Africa. Will you join me in praying for this?

That will make every single long hour and day poured into this project so very worth it. Best of all, I hope it encourages you to know that by purchase the course, you're not just making a difference in your own life - you're helping provide basic necessities for some of the neediest children in South Africa, many of whom don't have parents and are barely eeking by.

So mark your calendars, set aside the money in your budget, and get ready to change your mornings - as well as change hundreds of lives halfway around the world!

P.S. Would you like to share this course to your friends, on your social media channels, and/or on your blog and earn 50% of all sales through your referral link? Sign up here to become an affiliate.

:: 10 Easy Ways to Save on Baby Stuff at Target


The Savvy Bump has a great post up with 10 Easy Ways to Save on Baby Stuff at Target.

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