Monday, January 5, 2015

My Monday Morning Homemaking Plan & Today's Cleaning Project and more...

Money Saving Mom

Survey Spot


Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

Here's What's New

:: My Monday Morning Homemaking Plan & Today’s Cleaning Project

My Monday Morning Homemaking Plan

It’s Monday and guess what that means? That means it’s time for our weekly deep-cleaning project! Every Monday morning, I’ll be assigning us all a deep-cleaning project to tackle (well, that is, if want to join us!)

Today’s project is to tackle the bathroom cupboards and/or closet. If you are short on time, just pick the messiest drawer, cupboard, or closet to tackle.

Here’s my plan for this morning:

  • Read my Bible, exercise, and shower.
  • Get dressed to my shoes. (Thanks, Flylady!)
  • Eat some breakfast, read aloud to the kids, start a load of laundry.
  • Morning chores with the kids.
  • Get the kids started on their schoolwork. Kindergarten with Silas.
  • Switch the laundry.
  • Clean the bathroom closet out — remove clutter, wipe down shelves, organize.
  • Morning Time with the kids.

This evening, I’ll share a post about how my morning well and give you an update (with pictures) on the progress I made on the bathroom closet.

Need some motivation? Check out my post on 10 Ways to Make Cleaning More Fun.

Want to join me? Leave a comment to let us know you’re participating! If you have time, tell us what your morning plan is, too.


:: 10 Goals For This Week

10 Weekly Goals

Happy Monday! Are you ready to get back into the swing of things — including weekly goals? I know I am! If you missed it, you can see my 12 Goals for 2015 here.

Here are my goals for this week:

Marriage/Mothering/Homemaking Goals

1. Start our Morning Time routine. Read aloud for at least 20 minutes every day.

2. Write a love note to Jesse.

3. Help the kids write thank you notes for Christmas gifts.

4. Write notes to the children we sponsor through Compassion.

Personal Goals

5. Exercise at least 4 times (I’m trying out these BeFit in 30 workouts this week.)

6. Finish at least two books.

7. Knit a Cosy Posy Ear Warmer.

8. Clean out our bathroom closet.

9. Try a new DIY project & recipe: Fixing Our Hardwood Floor ScratchesTrim Healthy Mama Chocolate Cupcakes.

Business Goals

10. Finish writing 3 articles for Mandi’s Live course.

How did you do on last week's goals? What are your goals for this week? I'd love to have you share your progress on last week's goals and your goals for this coming week in the comments. Of, if you've blogged about it, leave your direct link below. Let's cheer each other on to live purposeful and productive lives! You can download a free customizable weekly goal-planning sheet here.


Survey Spot

:: Want to save even more? Do without.


Heather from Queen Bee Coupons has a great post up on saving money by doing without. Here’s a snippet:

When I decided to stay home with my kids (seven years ago!) it meant cutting our income by 60%. That's right, 60 percent. Take $100 and throw $60 of it out the window. What was once $100, became $40 at the grocery store. I wouldn't change staying home for a second. I wouldn't trade anything for those extra 60 dollars, but I would be picky in how I spent the money I had left.

For us, this meant – if it wasn't on sale and/or we didn't have a coupon – we generally didn't buy it. It was that simple. If it wasn't a loss leader in the grocery ad (one of the best of the best deals), we would wait, and do without, until it went on sale.

And now, seven years later, our budget isn't as tight – but we still live by this principle.

Read the full post.


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